Willow Park School


  • At their regular meeting today, the Board of Trustees approved Administration’s recommendation that the Grades 10-12 High School French Immersion Program remain at Leduc Composite High School (LCHS), and not be relocated to Ohpaho Secondary School (OSS) when it opens this fall.

    At their November 3, 2023, special meeting, the Board approved the Boundary and Grade Reconfiguration for the city of Leduc schools based on projections prepared by the project consultant using then-available enrolment data. In preparing the 2024 staff assignments for LCHS and OSS, Administration noted that the projected enrolment numbers, presented in the approved Leduc Boundary and Grade Configuration document, were not consistent with current data.

    To address this inconsistency, Administration conducted a review of the 2024 enrolment numbers, cross-referencing data from the student information system and student transportation. The findings from this review suggested that a modification to the initially approved configuration for OSS and LCHS was necessary to enhance utilization rates at both schools.

    Keeping the French Immersion program at LCHS will create parity in the utilization rates ensuring space for future enrolment growth at both schools.

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