Willow Park School


2023/24 Winter Sledding Schedule

Good afternoon, parents and guardians of Willow Park School students.

We are excited to open up our sledding hill starting Monday January 29, 2024 (weather permitting). We are waiting through this week to both prepare and make sure that there is lots of snow on the hill for students to slide on. As per BGSD, we do not need permission forms filled in for sledding within our regular recess play area, but we wanted to give all parents a heads-up that sledding would be starting soon. We will be using the same hills as in the past – the small one for grades K-3 students and the larger one for grades 4-6 students.

Please find below our rules and expectations for sledding at Willow Park School:

**Please note that sleds may not be transported to or from school on the school bus.

Willow Park School Snow Hill Safety Rules

1. Only foam-type sleds may be used on the hill. Hard sled materials are not allowed ­ NO Crazy carpets, wood or plastic toboggans, etc. Sleds must have student names on them.
2. To reduce congestion and the risk of injury on the snow hills, students will only be allowed on the hill during their scheduled times.
3. Only one rider is allowed on the foam sled.
4. Students must be seated or kneeling when sledding. Students may NOT go down the hill head first.
5. The school does have a few foam sleds, which students may use if they do not have their own. Students are not allowed to use each other’s sleds.
6. The front face of the hill is the only area to be used for sliding ­down in the middle and up on the sides.
7. A student may lose the privilege of snow hill use at the discretion of the school staff if they present a danger to him/herself or others.

8. Only students who are properly dressed in snow pants, tuque, and mitts will be allowed on the sledding hill.